Peringatan Khusus Dewasa (17+)



Selamat menikati kenikmatan Dunia Maya

Model Sexy TAIWAN

Model Sexy TAIWAN, increasing the Ignition Interlock requirements always seem to be on the Legislators' agenda. The problem with this idea is that it punishes the masses for the problems of the few. If a person has a drinking problem that would make the Ignition Interlock a good idea, the Judge can currently order it. The way the system works now, is on a case by case basis, where the Counseling and Education folks, the prosecutors, and the Judge can look at each case and make the determination as to what is appropriate. The IID folks want to remove the discretion from the Judge. The majority of folks arrested from dwi never reoffended, so we should leave it to the folks involved with each case to make the determination as to what is appropriate, not the Ignition Interlock companies that have lobbied the Legislators.

Model Sexy TAIWAN, 

Artis Hot and Sexy JEPANG

Artis Hot and Sexy JEPANG, reported that some Legislators are already beating their drums regarding their proposals to fight DWIs. In the past, Legislators have thought the only solution was to make the punishment for DWI more harsh. They are not realizing that this isn’t the answer.
The real issue is what works and what doesn’t. In the past, the Legislators just passed tougher and tougher laws. There was an attitude that if you put someone in jail long enough and fined them enough, they would change their behavior. This is what I call the Williamson County approach. But, Legislators are now realizing that this isn’t very effective. They have also tried to deter it by making it very expensive. The problem with that approach is that folks end up choosing jail over probation to save themselves money. Many folks in the system now realize the best way to deter the undesired behavior is to get folks in substance abuse treatment.

Artis Hot and Sexy JEPANG, the two ideas that are certain to rear their ugly heads as road blocks and the requirement of Ignition Interlock on first time dwi offenders.

Hot Chinesse Girls

Hot Chinesse Girls, when you obviously lie to folks about part of your message, the truthful parts are more likely to be ignored. Then again, dwi lawyers might tell you that the police are inadvertently being truthful; that is, they do indeed arrest everyone who drives with an odor of alcohol on their breath, even though that is not against the law. It’s just a bad idea

Hot Chinesse Girls, she begrudge the police spokesperson trying to discourage dwi or drinking/driving, although the second is not always unlawful. But these two comments from public readers show why conflating the two is ineffective, possibly even counterproductive.

Hot Chinesse Girls, Changes in dwi Law in Texas.

SPG hot Auto show car

SPG hot Auto show car, the Dallas Morning News Crime Blog ran a story recently about stepped up dwi enforcement for a holiday weekend:
The message: If you drink and drive during the Labor Day holiday, you will go to jail.
That's the word from local law enforcement and the Texas Department of Transportation which launched its anti-drunk driving campaign in the Dallas/Fort Worth area Friday morning…
Gambah HOT SPG Korea_6
SPG hot Auto show car, As of today, September 1, two new laws go into force that deal with dwis in Texas.  Section 724.017 of the Transportation Code is now expended to allow more situations where police can do a forced blood draw without a warrant.  Mandatory warrantless blood draws are now allowed if a person is arrested for dwi, or BWI, the person refuses to submit to the taking of a specimen volutarily, and: 1) an individual other than the person arrested has suffered bodily injury and was transported to a hospital or other medical facility for medical treatment; 2) the person is arrested for dwi with a child passenger under 15; 3) the officer has reliable information that the person has been previously convicted of dwi  two or more times; or 4) the officer has reliable information that the person has been previously convicted of dwi with a child passenger under 15, intoxication assault, or intoxication manslaughter.

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In this session, Korean SPG Sexy Car like in previous one, some state legislators targeted drunk drivers but most of those proposals, seem to be going nowhere. Here are some of the bills and their status three weeks before the Legislature adjourns.austin dwi .
•  To revoke driving privileges of anyone with two convictions. In committee
• Third-degree felony for anyone with a previous conviction. House calendar
• A hotline to report suspected cases of impaired driving. In committee
• Mandating ignition interlock for any dwi conviction. Attached to other bill
• To mark driver’s license of anyone with a prior conviction. In committee
•  Ten-year driver’s license suspension after five convictions. To full House
Fortunately, the Legislature seems distracted with cutting education funding, cutting back who can vote, and making sure the police don't give immigrants any protection from deportation even when they are witnesses to a crime, to care much about dwis this session.


This Korean SPG, Administrative Law Judges handle all sorts of cases for the State Office of Administrative Hearings – aka SOAH - from the tremendously boring, such as boat motor sales and use tax cases, to the no doubt endlessly fascinating scenarios where a trucking company is alleged to have failed to carry a required certificate of registration.
Of course, they also handle license revocations arising out of dwis. I got to my ALR this week a little early, and stuck my head in a different courtroom than the one my client’s case was being heard, to chat with a Judge. He handed me a printout of this – sorry, just click the link – it’ll look better from the original website than if I try to cut and paste it into a little box on this blog.
Apparently that site is all the rage on whatever informal listserv the subset of ALR Administrative Law Judges use. Probably the others too, but it seems most (least?) appropriate for the dwi court personnel