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SPG hot Auto show car, the Dallas Morning News Crime Blog ran a story recently about stepped up dwi enforcement for a holiday weekend:
The message: If you drink and drive during the Labor Day holiday, you will go to jail.
That's the word from local law enforcement and the Texas Department of Transportation which launched its anti-drunk driving campaign in the Dallas/Fort Worth area Friday morning…
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SPG hot Auto show car, As of today, September 1, two new laws go into force that deal with dwis in Texas.  Section 724.017 of the Transportation Code is now expended to allow more situations where police can do a forced blood draw without a warrant.  Mandatory warrantless blood draws are now allowed if a person is arrested for dwi, or BWI, the person refuses to submit to the taking of a specimen volutarily, and: 1) an individual other than the person arrested has suffered bodily injury and was transported to a hospital or other medical facility for medical treatment; 2) the person is arrested for dwi with a child passenger under 15; 3) the officer has reliable information that the person has been previously convicted of dwi  two or more times; or 4) the officer has reliable information that the person has been previously convicted of dwi with a child passenger under 15, intoxication assault, or intoxication manslaughter.

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